As we ring in 2016, The Bushey Agency has been celebrating with our family, and we have been making some updates to the website. Among the updates are the introduction of a blog section. Here we’ll be sharing articles that explore important issues in insurance, from common concerns to tips that may help you get the most out of your policy.

Many of us use the milestone of a new year to reorganize our homes and our lives, and we’d like to encourage you to add a New Year resolution you may not have considered: to ensure you have the right insurance coverage. Now is a great time to conduct an insurance audit, and The Bushey Agency can help you with that.

Insurance is a financial safety net, but we realize it may seem like a necessary evil – all the more reason the analyze your current coverage, your assets, your risks, your desired coverage, and your budget. You may be surprised to find you’re eligible for discounts, or that you’ve forgotten to update your policy to reflect your changing needs, or that you may want to add a new policy for your big-ticket valuables. However, you might be right on track with your current coverage.

An audit will help to ensure you’re properly insured. We’d be happy to guide you through the audit process, so drop a line when you’re ready to get started. We’re looking forward to 2016, and we’re happy to be working with you.